Weedblast Rootkill Concentrated Weedkiller 4 x 100 Sachets with 5L JCB Sprayer
WeedBlast Root Kill Concentrate MAPP 20043 contains 72g/l glyphosate of the ammonium salt of glyphosate FOR USE ONLY AS AN AMATEUR WEEDKILLER
Children and pets need not be excluded from treated areas when dry (not recommended for use on lawns).
1 x 100ml treats 66 square metres.
5L PRESSURE SPRAYER: pressure cleaner featuring: 560mm watering wand/lance, a 1.3m portable hose perfect to use when reaching difficult and inaccessible places, a fully adjustable wand nozzle to adjust the pressure spray from spray to mist, a lockable trigger mechanism, water flow regulator and pressure release valve
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