- Universal - use with any kind of waterproof clothing and outdoor gear
- Adds or renews water repellence and revives breathability
- Prolongs the life of clothing and gear and optimises outdoor performance
- Easy spray-on application method for clothing and gear with wicking liners
- No heat activation required
Tents, outdoor and hiking clothing and gear lose water-repellent qualities over time. Once this has worn out, you can restore it with a waterproofing treatment such as One Chem Tent & Gear Proofer. One Chem Tent & Gear Proofer is a hi-tech spray-on waterproofing solution that makes your clothing and gear waterproof without impairing breathability. Suitable for climatic membranes like GORE-TEX and many others, it has been designed to restore the water-repellence of your wet weather clothing while maintaining breathability. It is extremely easy to use, just spray on and leave to dry. Use once you feel that the water-repellence of your garment or gear has worn off to restore its water repellence.
*The colour of bottle may vary
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